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In accordance with current legislation, please find below the information relating to our short-term vacation rental company. This information is provided for information purposes only and may vary depending on the legislation applicable to your business or website. We recommend that you consult a legal advisor to assist you in drafting your legal notices.

[Company Name]
Name or company name: [Name of the rental company]
Head office address: [Head office address]
Company Directors: [Names of Directors]
Phone: [Phone number]
Fax: [Fax number]
Email: [Email Address]
Trade and Companies Register registration number: [Registration number]
Tax Identification Number: [Tax Identification Number]
Legal form of the company: [Legal form]
Amount of share capital: [Amount of share capital]
Supervisory authority: [Contact details of the supervisory authority]
Site host: [Name, address and telephone number of the host]
Information on the use of personal data
Information on the use of cookies

In the event of a dispute, consumers have the option of using the online dispute resolution (ODR) platform provided by the European Commission. The ODR can be accessed at Furthermore, customers can contact the European Commission's arbitration board. Please note that we are neither obliged nor willing to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.

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